Whenever I meet up with old time friends from the entertainment business, they always ask me, “Yuya, how come you don’t look any different than you were 20 years ago?” In answering to their doubts and guesses, I simply replied that I have done absolutely nothing except for taking 2 GenPel Beepupa Capsule each morning. When I traveled to Japan to perform many years ago, my local Taiwanese friends would give me a box of Japan’s most popular health preservation product at the time-queen bee pupa capsule. They told me it has superb natural amino acids which are very good for the skin, and it was. Since then, queen bee pupa capsule had became my best friend in which I took on a regular basis. When I started to take GenPel Beepupa Capsule, the effects actually multiplied, and I can see and feel visible improvements in just 2 short days. The effects were so good that I even doubted myself of forgetting to remove my make-up from the night before. I have never recommend any products for skin or health maintenance, but queen bee pupa’s youthful essence which surpassed royal jelly by 300 times really improved my skin in making it looking better, whiter and softer. Not only did GenPel Beepupa Capsule kept my skin firm and radiant, most importantly, it left me with the feeling of being young from inside out. Right now I take 2 capsules a day and it feels absolutely great!